How to Improve Battery Life of Android

The major issue most of the people on their Android smartphone is poor battery life. Though manufacturers are overcoming this major issue by using high capacity batteries in high end smartphones but what about mid range and low end phones? Well, here is the detailed article which will prove fruitful in ensuring  that your battery last for at least 1 and a half day if not for full 2 days.

battery android

Turn Off Auto Sync:

Turning on auto synchronization consumes a lot of battery. No doubt it is a great feature but it is battery eater at the same time. So, if you wish to have a good batter life on your Android then you must turn off auto sync. The best way is to use manual sync. It is battery effective as compared to the auto feature.

Turn Off Background Processes:

Whenever you leave an Android application by pressing the back button it goes to background and keep running there. Application is not closed and keeps on consuming your battery. So, whenever you exit an application make sure you close it by clicking on exit button. Or the best thing you can do is to use a task manager and kill all running applications except the one you are using. This will ensure that unnecessary processes do not consume your battery.

Turn Off WI-FI when not Using:

Most of the people keep their WI-FI on even if they are not using it. WI-FI is one of the major reason behind fast battery drain. So, if you are not using WI-FI then it is advisable to turn off your WI-FI because it will greatly enhance your battery life. Moreover, use power saver settings for WI-FI in the settings that is keep it inactive while screen is turned off.

Use Power Saver Mode:

Most of the mobile OEM have their own power saver mode which can greatly enhance the battery life of Android smartphone. They have integrated this power saver mode with the hardware of the smartphone which has a direct impact on the battery life thus offering you 5-6 hours of extra battery life. Isn’t it great?

Use Automatic Brightness Settings:

Most of the people keep brightness maximum. No doubt screen looks great in maximum brightness but eats up a lot of battery. So, the best solution to avoid battery drain is to use automatic brightness settings. This will ensure that your battery lasts longer than the usual.

These are some of important tips which can help you in getting a better battery life on your Android smartphone. This will even work on Nokia Android phone. So, try these tips and let us know how did you find our battery saving tips.

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  1. I use majority of the tips mentioned here and believe me they work wonders.

  2. Great tips thanks for sharing!

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