Moto G Play Edition gets Android 4.4.4

The standard version of Moto G sold by Motorola has become so popular that the Google edition of Moto G has lost its value completely. The lack in popularity of Google edition of Moto G might be the reason that  Android 4.4.3 was skipped for it when all other Nexus devices received it.

Moto G play edition

However, Google edition of Moto G is receiving Android 4.4.4 update. Google has started rolling out the official update for the Google edition of a highly popular mid range smartphone and if you are one of those people who purchased it then you should keep checking for the update. It is the first update for the smartphone since its launch so it 161 MBb in size and might take some time to download over your mobile network. So, make sure you are connected to Wi-Fi while downloading the update.

Let us know the changes if you have already received the update.

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