One of the developer has found that a very simple security breach can cause your iPhone to make expensive calls without your permission. This security breach is designed very interestingly. As soon as you visit some website, it reaches your wallet and makes a very expensive phone call without letting you know. This new security breach has put a question mark to Apple’s claim that IOS is highly secured mobile operating system.
Well, whenever you click on a number on some website using your iPhone it always asks if you want to make a call or not? Then how come this security breach is forcing iPhone to make expensive calls without asking for any permissions? Actually, whenever you are on native mobile application then calls can be made without requesting for any permission. So, this is how this new security breach on your iPhone is working. Hackers are making the most out of this new security breach on iPhone.
For example if you are on Facebook and click some number then it will not ask for any permission to make calls because it a native mobile applications. This is how this new breach is working. Neculaesei, a developer who found put this security breach came up with JavaScript code which allows to click and open links automatically without letting you know anything. Thus making expensive phone calls from your iPhone directly effecting your bank balance.
Well, the only solution to avoid this security breach is to request companies like Google and Facebook to ask for permission before opening any link or making calls from the native applications. This will put an end to this new security breach which has victimized many people from across the world so far.