Are you looking for the latest in mobile gadgets? Need reviews for particular gadgets or stories from the mobile gadget world? You have come to the right place. SmartphoneTechie seek to provide you with as much information as we can on mobile gadgets to make your knowledge base greater especially if you are looking to purchase one.
Have you ever wished to buy a new gadget or seen someone with it, but were a little shy to actually purchase one without a little more information to go by? We know exactly how that feels, which is why we want to be the go-to place when it comes down to all things high-tech or all things mobile. SmartphoneTechie speak and breath the latest in technology, if it is out there, we probably have a story for it, a review for the it and a market availability or pricing for it.
Such was a time when I felt the need to own a mobile phone. Of course some of the best places to look were the mobiles held by friends and family, but there was a problem, how sure was I that they covered everything I needed? What if what they thought was important was not what I thought was? Then it dawned on me, perhaps there are many more with this problem, which led to the birth of SmartphoneTechie. We are a team of geeks if you like for freaks of technology if you like and we seek to populate this website with enough information about the same to keep you covered for a long time. We have a nose for what is new, what’s good, what’s out, what’s going to make it to the news and so much more. Clearly, we foresee ourselves as the leading force behind all things high-tech and strive to make movements in that direction!